
Most people aren't big fans of rainy days and gloomy skies but whenever I hear a roll of thunder or a speck of grey amongst white clouds, I get excited. 

There's nothing quite like curling up with a book or watching movies and taking naps while the ground outside begins to soak and the glass windows of your room become fogged and splattered. 

Today is one of those days and as a treat I've grabbed myself some ice cream for later and two movies (Big Hero 6—don't judge me—and If I Stay. Both previously seen in theatres). 

I can't wait for it to get dark so I can relax and get all cuddled up in blankets and relax (I might fit in time to watch Bob's Burgers until my eyes bleed but we'll see).

I hope that if it's raining, you take the time to relax and enjoy yourself. <3 


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